Update Details
January 9, 2025
Sku Harmony 1.5

You've probably noticed that Sku Harmony looks a little bit different today (but not TOO different).

In January, we're rolling out a UI refresh to make the product a little easier to use. We're preserving the navigation structure so things should feel familiar, but you'll notice a few updates like the ability to better specify inventory counts, paginated product tables, and the ability to auto-generate SKUs.

While these UI changes aren't massive, there's a LOT changing underneath the hood, and we're excited to be paving the way for future improvements. We have lots of ideas for feature enhancements, but really want to hear from our customers to find out what they'd be excited about seeing (e.g. the ability to sync more than one location), so please don't be shy about requesting features and reporting bugs.

Here we go!

Got an idea?
Sku Harmony
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